Player ceriseorange posted a message on 20/12 17:06 on the MadLotto Forum: Wonderful Christmass.Recueil: Poems of Christmas (2002) Véronique Audelon. .. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Wonderful Christmass.Recueil: Poems of Christmas (2002) Véronique Audelon. .
20/12/2017 17:06:47

WonderfulWonderfulWonderful Christmas.

Compilation: Christmas Poems (2002)

Wonderful Christmas of my childhood,
With all the excitement
that reigned everywhere in the house,
And the tree full of decorations!
Moments of unparalleled joy,
adorned with happiness and wonders;
Mommy who prepared the log,
We who made the truffles
Hands full of chocolate,
More on our fingers than in the dish!
And finally, the last night
before the long awaited big day,
the sleep that doesn't want to come,
too excited to fall asleep;
Hope that Santa Claus will forget
the nonsense done during the year,
Then in the early morning, get up,
And before our eyes amazed
By discovering the packages,
Our parents who were smiling!

I relive these wonderful moments
Today, with my children;
Decorate the whole house
with crepe paper garlands,
Put the santons in the manger,
On the Christmas tree, the shiny
balls and the sparkling
garlands of a thousand sparkling colours!
Prepare with them the festive meal, take
out the most beautiful plates,
and as the great
day approaches, Have a Look them a little wiser,
just so that Santa forgets
that they were not always nice!
With the same look for my children
that my parents once had for me,
I find every year the magic moment,
when their magnificent eyes
discover under the tree,
their Prizes in the early morning!

Véronique Audelon.

20/12/2017 18:14:26

👏👏👏 ceriseorange🙁y): this poem is superb, quite in the Christmas atmosphere. I didn't know him.

MERCI😃🌹🌹pour your poems.


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