Here is the ceriseorange player profile on MadLotto and his Gifts won or the Gifts he played for: A Retro Video Game Console Tempo Di Tempo Di Saldi - Game

Last lottery draw  5 14 16 26 32 47  : Winners : 739 

Profile of ceriseorange
 7111  1770  51  67,05%  Member This corresponds to the Status of the Profile consulted on the Forum: Member (your messages must be validated by the administrator to be visible), Top Posteur (your messages are automatically validated), Moderator and finally Administrator.  Great Caliph This corresponds to the rank the Profile consulted on the Forum : New Player : less than 5 written messages - Amateur : between 6 and 15 - Confirmed : between 16 and 30 - Expert : between 31 and 50 - Vizier : between 51 and 75 - Grand Vizir : between 76 and 150 - Calife : between 151 and 200 - Grand Calife : more than 200 written messages
Here are the Messages that this Member posted on the wall
ceriseorange hello @ all firebird I made you a friend request if you go on computer accepts or refuses Mercie little you draw a cable that read the sites thank you good day to all.
26/08/2018 13:45:48
ceriseorange Thanks for the booster parties on zoovalley good evening.
ceriseorange good evening to all and thank you for the booster parties on ZOOVALLEY
poulga  Cuckoo cherry , very good evening, and good luck on the games!
23/07/2018 20:55:30
ceriseorange good evening everyone and thank you for the booster parties on ZOOVALLEY.
poulga  Cuckoo cherry orange , very good evening and good games 😉
21/07/2018 21:07:21
ceriseorange good evening thank you for the parties booster on ZOOVALLEY good evening to all and all.
ceriseorange Hello thanks for the booster parties on ZOOVALLEY. good end of games to all and all.
ceriseorange Thank you for the booster part on Wonderz. good evening to all and good start of the week tomorrow monday little cuckoo for quayquay with tomorrow the pastries, and for the holiday makers the toes in fan under the coconut palms.
ceriseorange good evening thank you for the 20 parties booster on Zoovalley. good evening.
ceriseorange no post below baba was removed I do not see the reason I can not mark all that is not it is for that I said that his fessais a salad mix pers there is no need to have (descriminations racial) wesmaster if there is a not including posts i withdraw for a moment from the sites you can remove one post if that enchants you.
xanado  Thank you for this minute of poetry 😉
15/06/2018 14:33:23
ceriseorange hello I do not list all the errors of the three sites because it would make a big salad composes I try to do it if I have little good luck to the player.

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