Player ceriseorange posted a message on 14/05 10:31 on the MadLotto Forum: The sea of François-René de Chateaubriand,. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The sea of François-René de Chateaubriand,
14/05/2015 10:31:39

The sea

of the vast seas philosophical picture,
You please in the heart of restless sorrows:
When from your womb by the tormented winds,
When pitfalls and ancient strikes come
out of the sounds, melancholic voices,
The soul tendered in its dreams is lost,
And, misguided to think of it,
Like the waves of murmur in murmur,
It mingle with all nature:
With the winds, in the depths of the deserts,
She moans along the wild woods,
On the Ocean flies with storms,
Grounds in lightning, and thunders in the seas.

But when the day on the trembling
waves goes away to die; when, smiling encor,
the old sun ice of purple and gold
, the changing green of the sparkling seas,
In distant, fleeing and velvety,
In driving my thoughts and my sight,
I like to create enchanted
worlds bathed in the waters of an unknown sea.
The ardent desire, the winning obstacles,
finds, embellishes the banks of the countryside,
places of peace, islands of happiness,
where, transported by the sweet chimeras,
I abandon myself to the dreams of my heart.

François-René de Chateaubriand,

15/05/2015 10:44:49

Super cherry orange, I love it very much: keep going!!!😂😂😂😂🌹🌹🌹 !!!

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