Player lalili59 posted a message on 06/06 11:33 on the MadLotto Forum: BUZZ CUTTING 48. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  BUZZ CUTTING 48
06/06/2015 11:33:07

In order to be able to discuss serious things... I repeat this message addressed to the WEBMASTER and all those concerned by this famous buzz cup 48.....

Hello everyone... Have a good day on this Saturday!!!!! And good
WebMaster games....... When my father told me to come home at 11pm at the latest it meant not after 11pm... So yesterday... Friday on this same wall you announced the regularization of the buzz 48 cup at the latest in the evening, I read it and the people concerned.... Thank you in advance for the answer if you sometimes go through this.

08/06/2015 10:55:41

Hello 🙋 Our teams are still working on the problem of the Buzz Cup n°48 which is much more complex than it seems.
So I would ask you a little more patience before seeing the ranking restored 😉 Good

games to all!

07/06/2015 16:10:58

I hope you can bring us some good news about Michele.

07/06/2015 16:09:51

and what happens now, ,
the webmaster should post a response ,a comment
that this is unsatisfactory and ,silence creates dissatisfaction and rumors ,harmful to the game
I am account you to inform us if you can on Sunday michèle

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