Player irenemamita posted a message on 03/04 09:45 on the MadLotto Forum: Pub!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  2 12 22 28 43 47  : Winners : 585 

Subject :  Pub!
03/04/2011 09:45:04

Hello everyone,

I understand that it is Round due to the publicity that we can Play for free.
So when I choose a game, I patiently wait a few seconds for the ad to be finished to Play

But for some time now, (I mainly play Pari mots) we have been confronted with an ad for "iForex" that suggests that we can get rich with a minimum stake.

I am outraged and outraged by this ad!
"iForex is a broker who, if not enriching, knows above all how to pluck pigeons, and shamefully enrich some specialists.
In addition, this broker has no bank guarantee!

Many of us come to Madwin to Play to relax and forget their problems.
For those who don't know, this ad is very tempting.

So I warn you: you will have a much better chance of winning a little MadWin prize than you will of getting rich with "iForex".

Good games to all.

04/04/2011 11:30:44

The rank corresponds to your DreamCard level. You see it on the left of thehome page l. Each level gives you advantages. Each level corresponds to the quantity of credits purchased.

04/04/2011 10:49:30

!! The DreamCentury, personal opinion must verify the quality and veracity of advertisers to publish on their sites. Indeed, I say it and repeat it on another message, the dangerousness of some gambling orSilver sites. Be careful, everyone!


03/04/2011 23:52:58

Hello Guizmore,
I don't blame MadWin whom I like, just warn the players.
I don't know all the tricks of the site yet:
What is thisrank" that prevents you from being advertised?
Thank you and see you soon.

03/04/2011 23:30:06

Hello, although no ads appear on the site for me because of my rank I can tell you that I know this ad for having seen it on many other sites. And indeed it's risky. MadWin can't control the ads, however. ^^

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