Player dorinegael posted a message on 07/08 17:43 on the MadLotto Forum: Madepoints. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  1 6 13 16 22 40  : Winners : 740 

Subject :  Madepoints
07/08/2010 17:43:40


On the "Madman's Square" game, the more it goes, the less madpoints we earn????? the conversion to madpoints is thin compared to the beginning where I played. The objective is to make us buy credits???????

Too bad, I only play with free games.

On that note, have a good holiday.

25/10/2010 11:28:45

hello all over the world

26/08/2010 20:12:11


On the "Madman's Square" game, the more it goes, the less madpoints we earn????? the conversion to madpoints is thin compared to the beginning where I played. The objective is to make us buy credits???????

Too bad, I only play with free games.

On that note, good holiday


I play from time to time and I haven't found a drop.

26/08/2010 09:19:55

the site does not live on clean air and fresh water anyway

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