Player tenderealex posted a message on 27/07 10:49 on the MadLotto Forum: madpoint and credit. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  madpoint and credit
17/08/2006 20:03:22

Hi, I "censor" the end of your answer because it is unnecessarily aggressive....

Contrary to what you think, we have already answered this question often, and that is why I only let a few messages on this subject pass, hoping that other members will answer it! 😉 As

you know, credit games offer higher payouts than free games. This is possible because the players involved make a financial effort by buying the credits.
If we remove this How it Works by making credits available "free of charge" (by redeeming Madpoints), we will no longer be able to offer such high Prizes in credit games. In addition, it seems normal to us that players buying credits access games and Prizes that are exclusively reserved for them.

So it is a choice we make, which everyone judges as they see fit, but I would remind you that we do not force anyone to buy credits. On the contrary, we would like to constantly offer you a complete range of free games: 30 "flash" games, the Diaboloto and the possibility to redeem your MadPoints directly for Prizes, without drawing lots!
In the 6 years that MadWin has been in existence, more than 70,000 players have won at least one prize without buying credits!
Still seems pretty good to me, doesn't it? 😉 Good

games to all!

The Web'.

17/08/2006 01:14:04

This is a modified message:
tenderealex to written:
hello to all 🙋 here

I have several questions: first of
all can we exchange madpoints for credits because indeed I would really like to play Play tournament I don't have any credit and it's true that I don't want to buy them. well
if not how can I suggest it to the person who takes care of them?

I'm New Player the game but already several madpoint has my account and I'd really like to Next Play it so well.

kiss and thank you in advance for the

MadWin answers c 🙁y): Very

good tenderealex question, but you see, it's not the first time I've asked myself this question or seen it pass here, and... mystery and gumball... nobody ever answered it... it's sad.... VERY sad: Cry:

I can't wait to see an answer appear (...)

27/07/2006 10:49:44

hello to all: wave:

here I have several questions:
first of all we can exchange madpoints for credits because indeed I would really like to Play in the tournament but I don't have any credit and it's true that I don't want to buy them.
well if no can't how to suggest it to the person who takes care of it?

I'm New Player the game but already several madpoint has my account and I'd really like to Next Play it so well.

kiss and thank you in advance for the

MadWin c |up| answers

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