Player inka123 posted a message on 10/03 10:32 on the MadLotto Forum: Madpoints!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  15 16 24 25 35 36  : Winners : 588 

Subject :  Madpoints!
10/03/2008 12:40:22


we did have a Small hick technical Small hick this morning, but it was ONLY about displaying your credits and MadPoints. So there was no loss, it was just a display issue.
The problem is now fixed (don't hesitate to disconnect and reconnect if you don't see the right balance).

Good games!

The Web'.

10/03/2008 10:32:58

This morning when I logged in I noticed that all my madpoints have disappeared!!!!Why do I have 0 madpoints instead of 125000 knowing that I didn't order Prizes???I wanted to write to the service, but no subject is talking about madpoints that have disappeared....Help!

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